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Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
Unless you have not been reading your blog-o-sphear as I have you will know about the blogmysite dot com threat.
This anti-blog spam site have a ew script that could flood your comments with masses of anon comments to advertise thier paying clients
They are very deffensive about this technique and clame they are the first (they are not - auto comments started in the porn industry years ago
They are going to be targetting blogspot hosted sites and claim this url: http://www.blogmysite.com/faq.html suggests they post as an anon user... that said they autosign up an account so the signed up members only setting might not work.
Join with those bloggers, telling the world and urging blogger.com to block the website.
Imprimatur: Center for comment SPAM - Take the war against spam to the evil doer!: "'Our blog blaster also auto subscribes you in 1 click to the blog sites that require a (free) username to post. Then, it is 1 click sending of your ads daily.'"
The issue number (1-195821489) is the ticket number for this issue as raised with the sites hosts. The host company is Network Solutions and they strangly refuse to discuss this issue via email.
Perhaps some one should call ICAN and complain (Network Solutions are an ICAN registrar!). Meanwhile tell your friends, post a notice and beg blogger to protect us - or simply use an external commenting system like haloscan.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
I'm not sure if I should keep going with the talker. I know I should keep going and I should say beautiful things about my fave blogs... but I've been in such a bad mood these past few months with my son still missing and the builders, outside my flat, making a dogs dinner of the job in hand. I wonder if maybe it is time to call it a day.
I wonder all this and then I keep going anyway... I think deep down I must be completely insane.
One blogger that needs a link and a lot more great stuff said about him than I have the wit to say is this guy: DuDu's Dad Desz" his blog is something I look forward to reading on Mad-Den Traffic and with him being one of the top three users (in terms of credits held) I think I can expect to see his blog for a long while to come.
"Inspired by my son DuDu, motivated by love, I will write as I think fit, without prejudice, fear or favour. All in the name of fun. "
So by way of apologising for being a grumpy-arse here is a great blog to go read.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
Mini-me is doing well and gurgling his way into the world of solid food. As long as he can survive his sisters enthusiasm for trying to feed him (chocolate, raw potato, next doors cat...) he will soon be learning to feed himself.
The mini Beautiful Talker is currently asleep in the corner of the room which is just as well as it is totally distorted by a day an afternoon of regular tiny person activity.
Still I remain convinced the world is going to be a better place for having more of me in it.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
I have just been reading about Snapfish apparently "the fastest growing" online photo service, which I guess means they are reasonably popular with nine million members and more than 250 million photos on the Snapfish system.
They claim "We have been rated the number one online photo service in surveys from PC Data and received top quality ratings from Popular Photography and Yahoo! Internet Life. Snapfish enables digital camera owners to share, print and store their favorite photo memories at low prices."
The reason I have been reading about these guys is that there is an advert campaign comeing up for them on my network and I have read that "Snapfish has agreed to be acquired by Hewlett-Packard"
The press release goes on to say: "Together, they will be able to provide the most comprehensive digital photography solution available."
Have my regular reader(s) tried these guys and what can you tell me?
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
This is the score as I go to bed:
Scotish National Party: 1 seat (retained)
Conservatives: 1 seat (Taken from the Labour Party)
Libral Democrats: 2 Seats (Retained)
Labour: 41 Seats (all retained = one lost none gained)
I can only hope that the people of my home town have seen reason.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
...and now it is hot hot hot with bright sunshine and no air...
...so naturally I was forced to go to the pub for a cold drink.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
Well the sunshine has gone and now it's raining out there. There might be plenty of water bt there is not a drop to drink. A burst water main has denied us access to free flowing water.
Actually I'm going over the top I have just had a nice hot drink as the water has been reconnected but there was the chance of a day without water.
Try the Beautiful Talker Meme -=- No Discrimination!
This feed is down. It will be replaced in good time.
Have you made you Region Tree yet?
RSS 1.0
(Hard Links Improve Search Engine Possitioning)
Who Links Here
Arsenal, wtf? - Big Blogger-Forum style hi-there.
movies & music reviews - As promised a link back.
The Beautiful Talker does not care for the outer appearance of the blogger. He does not care for the gender of the blogger.
The Beautiful talker feels that to distinguish bloggers for gender, shape, size, colour, hair, religion or for any other reason that is not the content they produce is wrong.
The Beautiful Talker does not like the fact that bloggers should be advantaged or disadvantage based just on gender. It is not moral or good to promote a link because the writer of the blog is a man or a woman (depends on bias).
The Beautiful Talker now aims to ensure that blogs that use discrimination will not get a link from this blog.
Just for fun I've taken the blog title and Googled it. These are some of the results
Blogs at Buzz 42:
You may also be interested in the Buzz 42 Community
The Link club. A dotty bunch of blogs all linking to each other for the simple reason we are all mates in real life.
You want to join you say? Hmm... better start telling everyone how great these blogs are then!
paris hilton, eminem, britney spears and other girls were not involved in makeing this Blog.
green day, lindsay lohan, carmen electra, jennifer lopez, 50 cent & girls gone wild compleatly failed to inspire anypart of this creation.
This is not anime and we did not cause tsunami regardless of what you may have been told.
We do not usher in new games with weather related lyrics.
tattoos of thongs, jessica simpson and the word "dictionary" are not only unconected but unconnected with us in any real and meaningful way.
The Beautiful Talker wrote 50,000 words in just 30 days!
The Beautiful Talker is not ashamed to be a bloke even though he might get less links and less clicks. However it says this low down so you judge first on content first.